The posts you find here are prophecies, presented in the belief that they are from God, in the context of 1 Thessalonians 5: "Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good." So if you find them of value, thank God, the God of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who sent Him into the world to save sinners, which was done by His death on the cross and His resurrection.

Prophecies were a feature of the early church and can be seen at times throughout church history. In recent years they have reemerged as a part of the Charismatic movement in many parts of the church. Please understand that they are not intended to challenge, replace or add to scripture, which must always be the test of what is said.

Please let me know what you think: I offer them in the belief that they will be of value to people, but conscious that I may be guilty of presumption.


These prophecies were given as a result of visits to art galleries; specifically so far Manchester Art Gallery. Where possible I will include a link to a photo of the pieces of art which inspire them, but in many cases they don't seem to have made it onto the web.

To GOD be the glory.

Friday, 11 March 2011

Carry YOUR burden

You have heard it said: 'Come to me, for my yoke is easy, my burden is light'. Yet for many this is not the case - instead you find yourselves  struggling with burdens you do not find light, with yokes you do not find easy.

So what has gone wrong? They have chosen to carry things to which I am not calling them. They have rushed to respond to a need they rightly perceive to be of concern to me, but instead of asking me whether I am calling them to accept this burden, they have become entrapped in things to which I have not called them, for which they are not gifted. Is it any surprise that they end up overloaded, hurting, stressed and ineffectual?

For do not be deceived - that something is 'the caring thing to do' doesn't mean that it is the right thing for you to do at this time. When Jesus was earth, he only did 'what he saw the Father doing'. You are called to live after his model: will you seek to learn to listen to me, or will you be satisfied with gaining your affirmation from doing what the world says is the right thing.
[No particular context - and no art work behind it, although I did write it in the cafe at the Art Gallery]

1 comment:

  1. This is yet another vague and meaningless prophecy. It couches its vacuity in spiritual-sounding language but actually says very little, if anything, of any great value or import.

    Come on ... if this is God speaking then surely he can do better than that.
